Thursday, April 19, 2012

Just a couple things I've heard and gathered thus far...

Don't fear new.

It doesn't hurt to smile.

Make friends.

Draw something every once in a while.

Expression is powerful...don't keep all the good stuff bottled inside you.

Ask questions.

Always keep your fists unclenched, unless a battle is truly necessary to wage.

God loves you more than anyone else does.

And He loves you more than you love anything or anyone.

Remember that!

God never fails.

Go to the nations, my friends. 


Don't hide; but face the truth.

Flattery is never better than the truth.

Give an answer when required and when its not, know its ok not to know it all just yet.

Explain and teach with your life.

Your choices are weighty.

If you can't see where the cliff drop leads, hold your breath and jump if you know deep down, "its all right." 

Trust God.


Listen more than you talk (to God and people)

Grow...never stay the same.


When everyone throws the towel in, don't give up on love, faith, and what is right.

Be set apart by God.

Know your role. 

You're the CHILD of the God of the universe.




And Jump

Sing the song of the heart

Don't think it has to sound a certain way.

Be different.

Look for the people who haven't felt love lately and when you find them, give to them. 

Take care of your body. It is a gift. It is the temple. It houses the Spirit. When its gone from this earth, so are you.

Drink water. Lots.


Let your heart rate be high because of intentional cardiovascular exercise and not because of eating too much McDonalds, Taco Bell.. etc.. and the like.

Don't go alone.

Be inclusive and not exclusive.

Help when you see a need.

Rest adequately. That means sleep 8hrs if possible.

Make new friends but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold means they're both of great value. So treasure!

If you can, go to Haiti.

Respect your elders.

Seek wisdom.

Hold on to hope. It's not the end yet!

God keeps his promises. 

Do you?

