Sunday, March 3, 2013

“With people it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God.” -Jesus

All the things I feel are impossible for me to complete, begin, or tackle, are viewed from a completely different/better/higher perspective for the Almighty God.

God, Won't you help me to see and lean on your view today.

For just a moment I want to reflect on the way God orchestrates oh-so-beautifully...
Never has he led me astray.
Never has his truth brought me down.
God is faithful to hear and answer prayer according to His will.
God knows best.
God knows it all.

On a current/specific note...
God has given me a hefty bunch of divine relationships since I've moved back to Florida 21 months ago. Wow...
God is good at setting me up with people with whom I can relate. 
I see such favor in my workplace.
I see such progress in my academics.
My father is helping me solve some real practical car issues this week. 

Hey, I am made new in and through Christ's love. 
