Friday, June 24, 2011


Hello blogging-buddies! So...I think I'm breaking a blogger's rule of thumb of some sort... and to tell you the truth, about three fourths of me doesn't even really want to do this, But...

Along with a restful journey comes... the big... the bad (well not so much bad)... but often times dreaded...CHANGE! (dun, dun dunnnnn!!!) ;)  

Let me explain: 

For me, when I am looking for growth in my life or to be changed...I have gotta switch up the schedule. So instead of taking that extra time for blogging and/or social networking I am going to be taking a month to just focus on some different things.

Didn't want to leave ya hanging and I do not bid you farewell... 
just a "till next time, my friends!" 

I will leave off with my this weeks Thursday (again) LATElies... ;)

I mentioned the CD series I've been listening too. 
Check out here-.Joyce Meyer's site, if thats of interest to you.

Have an awesome week guys!

Love Grace

Friday, June 17, 2011

My 1st "Thursday LATElies"

Alrighty!...So, this weeks been a little less laid back than last, to say the least. I went from having a whole lotta paradise-visiting free time to working eight hours shifts back at Starbucks! (don't get me wrong, I do enjoy my job!...just re-adjusting!) 
needless to say my Thursday Latelies didn't make it up last night because i was tooo tooo sleepy to wait for it to upload to youtube. ;) 

I present to you: My Thursday Latelies on FRIDAY! lol Hope you enjoy & Have a great weekend! 

Just a few last things...

I would love for you to share your "latelies" as well...join in the fun and post and link a vid!   

Don't forget to check out The Creator of "Thursday Latlies" herself, Miss Bex. Her style diary is inspirational, honest, and tons of fun to keep up with! Hope you enjoy as I do!

If you're interested in the makeup that I shared on, check out Urban Decay Naked for a deal!

I also shared about my new Bb hair Masque... there's lots of products to check out if you wanna buz on over to the official Bumble and bumble website. 

Lastly, as I shared of the lovely dinners together, this one my mommy surprise prepared last night, Hawaiin Grilled Chicken and a Fancy Shmancy Salads. Just wanted to give you a picture...yum!

Isn't my mama great?! 

Until next time,
With Love, Grace & Joy

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Just a Glimpse...


I am so thrilled to share with YOU a lovely new experience I lived just yesterday!  I'll need some time to prepare the post so for now I am revealing just a glimpse... 

Can you guess where?
This was simply delightful

I hope you'll check back for the real story... 
Coming Soon! :)

Grace Joy

Truth Saves

This morning is new. And I am glad for that. When you wake up and you're unsure what it is your feelin' inside, I  find it a good idea to slow down and be quiet or still for at least a moment. Often times, "tough days" start, for me, as just a weird or icky feelin' that is present, yet left alone. I want to challenge you today...

If it's been a rough start, press PAUSE. 
-It's OK to slow down! 
-It's OK to gather your thoughts. 
-It is good to dwell on Truth and not just feelings. 

Philippians 4:8-9
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. (msg version)

PS*I recommend looking at the entire Chapter 4. :)

I hope you have a GREAT day! Don't let a feeling drive your day... but with open arms,              INVITE TRUTH into your heart and way of thinking. 

Praying for my readers today, may God bless you!

Gracie Joy

Thursday, June 9, 2011


 [par-uh-dahys, -dahyz]  -noun; a place of exceptional happiness or delight

Today I visited one of my favorite little paradises...The Key! 
Check it out...
While looking for a decent parking place, I stumbled upon this beautiful house I would not mind living in... (about 1 min walk from my spot!)

the sand was white as snow...

The agua was perfectly refreshing!
just to prove these weren't googled! :) 

For all my friends in Alaska, Canada and such... I hope you're staying warm! ;) Love you Grace Joy

Intimacy or Routine?

"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got."  never experience change! 

I think of an assembly line...

A factory assembly line is structured and ordered just right so that when a product reaches its final destination, it is perfectly complete and ready for selling. But before its packaging point, a product makes its way through the line. Within the line, at each work station, an exact movement is made, repeatedly. (Think; a the toothpaste cap tightly twisted on) After an action is completed, the product is carried away, down the line, to the next workers position and to eventually be finished and packaged. This great consistency, timely-ness, and order is wonderful when your goal is to make every product identical and sellable. 

...What about your life? I have to ask myself this question. "Do I have my relationship with God down to a science?" Is it step 1, 2, healing? or peace? Or does He have an order or a plan, rather, that is new every morning?... Must I seek HIM and not some routine in order to truly find Him and know Him? 

Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all of your heart. 

I believe there is a balance between developing positive, daily disciplines and becoming habitual or "religious." This morning I woke up and tried to do "the same old thing." And I believe the Lord wasn't having it. Just because a particular order of operations feels right to me, or seems like its what will get God's attention or a good start to a day, doesn't mean its what God truly desires of me.

The truth is Jesus desires of you and me-->real relationship and intimacy. See for yourself in John 17 when He prays to The Father for his disciples. 

John 17 NIV

Here He prays for protection, one-ness, joy, truth, and sanctification. 
Jesus knows his disciples and wants for them what He has with the Father. 

The msg of verse 24: Father, I want those you gave me To be with me, right where I am, So they can see my glory, the splendor you gave me,  Having loved me Long before there ever was a world. 
I like in v.23, also, when Jesus says, "I in them and you in me."

When you desire relationship or intimacy with another human being, do you not desire them to listen to you? watch you? really learn and know your heart? Or would you rather they just come to you nearly scripted and out of touch with what's really going on? God is a real God who, I believe, desires a real relationship and connection with you and me. 

My challenge this morning is to stray away from what I think I know is the way and follow THE WAY, himself. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Simple Things...

If you spend a week with me, you will quickly learn I am a planner, a take charger, a perfectionist like no other, and I am "on the go!" These are some of the greatest strengths I possess at times... And other times this is what cripples me. As important as it is DO it is quite possibly more important to BE. 

"One hand full of rest is better than two fists full of labor and striving after wind." -Ecclesiastes 4:6 NASB

So far I give myself an A+ for resting these first two days! HaHa, thank God, because as funny as it sounds, its a big struggle for me to slow down at times. BUT- it's been a successful and enjoyable endeavor thus far. 

Something I learned recently is that resting doesn't neccessarily mean laying in bed all day, which I do not enjoy!... (whew, what a relief!) For me, "resting" means enjoying something you love and not feeling bad about it... or just slowing down to soak up the surroundings/nature/presence of God, trying something new, and spending quality time with loved ones.  

Tonight, I opted out of a night out and spent all evening in. Over the years I have switched [big time] from being one who hated nights in to absolutely enjoying home-time! [This may have developed from having little opportunity to stay in with the schedule I have lived by the past 3 years- busy, busy!] 

So this evening...I ate a yummy home-made pizza with Mommy and Jordan, my lovely sister. It was the best because I had pondered buying ingredients [to make pizza] this afternoon but I came home to find my mother had the exact same idea in her mind and had already beat me to it! :) -She's the best! 

After pizza, I set up my summer room, which was converted from an office. I enjoy it! It's smaller but comfy and classy; black & red & white are the colors. I bought myself some pretty red roses and lots of baby's breath!!! [I love baby's breathe! It's so pleasant and I just really like having something that is living as decor in the bedroom.]

After hours of unpacking & setting up, I was ready for Mommy's dessert... "dough boys!"...Hm, you might call em' "elephant ears"? Either way, fried dough with cinnamon and sugar!..Very unhealthy but a yummy treat like that is good once in a while! A little while later, we switched from our Italian heritage to the Scottish side for a nice "spot of tea." My brother is a tea-master!!! He filled an entire cabinet with his stash this evening. :) We enjoyed, from the cast iron, Teavana's "Monkey-Picked Oolong." It was a delight! 

Well... I have definitely enjoyed this evening. It's unlike any evening I have had in a long time! I felt free to do what I loved. After all that, I crawled into bed next to my sis, one of the greatest friends I have... I truly cherish her! ...And we just talked. I missed that. 

Good night world. Thanks for listening. Remember, an adventure doesn't always involve a high speed chase, maybe just a big breathe of fresh air you've needed for a real-long-time. 

signing with a smile, 

Grace Joy

A New Thing

Hello readers... 

This evening, or quite early, early mornin' i should say, marks my update numero uno! I am very excited to be blogging right now. Writing is a love of mine;whether for fun, like this, or poetic types and songs...I really enjoy it. And for that reason I started the blog. :) 

This season is new. I just arrived Monday morning around 11 am in Florida. I have been living the past 3 years in Dallas, TX, attending and working with a program called Masters Commission USA. It's a life changing movement that is reaching a lot of individuals and masses. It has world wide influence as an international network, currently with programs in numerous continents not to mention all over the United States. "MC" is a Christian discipleship program that is not based on religion, rather, a real relationship with God, the creator of you and me. The mission statement says a lot: "To Know God and to Make Him Known." With MC I have had great opportunity to grow as an individual, a leader, and a disciple of Jesus Christ. In my time spent there, a number of the passions of my heart have been fueled and fed... some being missionary work, travel, speaking, learning, music, teaching, and just Loving! 

With that small look into what has been happening, I want to bring the focus to what is happening now: Although I love my life in Dallas, the church plant I've been a part of, and my friends that have literally become family to me, I've traveled back to Florida for something new. REST! It's a great thing... And though I know rest is involved with this chapter, I believe there is mystery that is yet to be found out...

So, welcome! Come along for the adventure of a daily life that I believe is on the verge of something new.

Isaiah 43:18-19 
"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? 
I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." 

Life is full of seasons. When God's got the reigns, we do not always know what the next step is...but when he promises to hold your hand, the unknown seems thrilling! Let's jump!