"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got." never experience change!
I think of an assembly line...
A factory assembly line is structured and ordered just right so that when a product reaches its final destination, it is perfectly complete and ready for selling. But before its packaging point, a product makes its way through the line. Within the line, at each work station, an exact movement is made, repeatedly. (Think; a the toothpaste cap tightly twisted on) After an action is completed, the product is carried away, down the line, to the next workers position and to eventually be finished and packaged. This great consistency, timely-ness, and order is wonderful when your goal is to make every product identical and sellable.
...What about your life? I have to ask myself this question. "Do I have my relationship with God down to a science?" Is it step 1, 2, 3...joy?...fulfillment?... healing? or peace? Or does He have an order or a plan, rather, that is new every morning?... Must I seek HIM and not some routine in order to truly find Him and know Him?
Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all of your heart.
I believe there is a balance between developing positive, daily disciplines and becoming habitual or "religious." This morning I woke up and tried to do "the same old thing." And I believe the Lord wasn't having it. Just because a particular order of operations feels right to me, or seems like its what will get God's attention or a good start to a day, doesn't mean its what God truly desires of me.
The truth is Jesus desires of you and me-->real relationship and intimacy. See for yourself in John 17 when He prays to The Father for his disciples.
John 17 NIV
Here He prays for protection, one-ness, joy, truth, and sanctification.
Jesus knows his disciples and wants for them what He has with the Father.
The msg of verse 24: Father, I want those you gave me To be with me, right where I am, So they can see my glory, the splendor you gave me, Having loved me Long before there ever was a world.
I like in v.23, also, when Jesus says, "I in them and you in me."
When you desire relationship or intimacy with another human being, do you not desire them to listen to you?...to watch you?...to really learn and know your heart? Or would you rather they just come to you nearly scripted and out of touch with what's really going on? God is a real God who, I believe, desires a real relationship and connection with you and me.
My challenge this morning is to stray away from what I think I know is the way and follow THE WAY, himself.
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