Monday, August 1, 2011

I'm Back!

Inspired and supported by a late night indulgence ...the natural rush produced by iced black/peach tea. (yum!) ..on this night, I have returned!  I want to mention that I am back with great delight to share with you a quick glimpse of the past month of "just living"... from the cell phone camera of yours truly! :)

Note: If you are as visually stimulated by random pictures as I am, this is YOUR lucky blog-read day!!! And if not, check back tomorrow or later this week when I have more brain power to possibly further inspire or enlighten you with the use of more words!

So, one night this week, as I realized my break from the blogspot was nearing an end, I also happened to be looking through my phone (this is the phone I mentioned upgrading to a few blogs back...It is my first "more than basic" phone... and I am still enjoying all it has to offer!) 
So with that, unlike my oldie, I can store wayyy more than 30 pictures! Thank God! Now I don't have to worry about meeting a famous person and having no room in my phone to snap a quick shot..I mean, ya never know! ;)

That's just my thinking! But anyways...

As I scrolled through some pictures I'd taken,  I was reminded of days, moments, smiles, blessings and enjoyments I've received over the past month. I will eventually get to the deep stuff later- but it's been a INCREDIBLE 30+ days and I'd love to share some pieces of them with you! 

Enjoy "My Life" from the mobileseyeview. :)

Trips to the gorgeous local beach! 
Stumbling across some very OLD pictures!!! (That's me in the green dress, along with my sister and my childhood best friend, Nicole. This was in East Providence, RI, first day of 2nd grade. And Yes, I remember taking the photo! ha!) 
Kindergaten grad
 Riding in Gran's minnie van
my brother Joey, 1993?

Day trip to Granny's! I like to refer to these as 3G times...3 Generations: Gran, Gail, Gracie
SunnyBunny, FroYo, one of my fav summer snacks 

Fresh Fruit!
Independence Day, of course!
I was on a stir fry kick for like a week and a half...
Wished I'd seen the sign the first time, when I used the restroom in complete darkness...
My sister's English Bull Dog, Pauly...we're growing to love each other
Ain't nothin like a good Pedi!
Love this saying! 
Iced Coffee<3 on a 10 min break

You're never too old to play in the sand
Lunch private get-a-ways (with hummus!)
Interesting read I sorta stumbled upon... 
I made homeade salsa and it was a great success!!
It turned into a full fledge FIESTA! lol best meal of the month, no doubt
Glasses, why not?
A new and quite inspiring friend of the Sullivan family, Miss Johnna! She's a blessing!!!
Can you see the rainbow?
Never met a Donkey before...a little trip to the country side :)
In Rhode Island we call these "jimmies."   
If its organic and gummy..sounds good to me
picture perfect Sarasota

Family time!
Twins? -brother and mom
More twins? -Sister and Dad
And another set? -Mom and Me

I love to just cruise'! ..(and go celtics!)

Amazing, the things you find when packing up an apartment

Dad tries Mom's salsa

Dad likes Mom's salsa!
I couldn't help it...
My little book worm 
Lots of lovin'!

Just me and Pauly...wakin up to sunshine

we always look for the "wabbits" when we walk Paul...spotted her! 
All day, almost everyday! :) lovin Starbucks!

That was just a glimpse, maybe there will be more in depth stories to come...

As I look over these photos, I am reminded to be thankful for each and every moment.
My Home, Family, Friends! Job! Health! Sunshine!...and there are so many little things that bring us joy!

What make your day just a little bit brighter? Feel free to share a picture or story of your own!
I hope you've enjoyed!

Much love, Grace

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