Thursday, January 17, 2013

People :)

I am grateful for those people who are a part of my life...the ones that come around at just the right time.

I have a few customers, who frequent my workplace, who always seem to brighten the moments. Sometimes it is in words and sometime it is in deeds. And sometimes it's just their countenance that seems to bring change into the atmosphere around them. There is one person in particular, always complimenting, smiling (whether on the face or in the heart) and bringing encouragement at every chance he gets. Thank God for people like him. Thank you God for him.

Hm...It's got me thinkin' tonight--- how important people are. How we all need other people to get by. Hm, It also seems that when we are surrounded with obedience and willingness-unto-God kinda people, we see this 'increase' of "wow- this is right on time" moments. Relevant moments. Moments that are "God-orchestrated."

It's moments like want to  be apart of these kinds of moments. Maybe it's these moments that create a movement and a momentum and bring about change. I want to be a part of that.

I want to rid myself of the mindset that it's always gotta be something "grandios" in order to be life-changing. Because that's far from true.

It's moments that change lives, lifetimes, and destinies.


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