Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Personal Prayer

Hebrews 12: Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.

You hear this one a lot, huh? Hebrews 12 is a popularly preached passage, if you ask me... I've heard countless sermons and devotionals... not a bad thing, just sayin'. Maybe it's preached and taught so often because of its weighty, weighty, oh-so-applicable message. The value really can't run dry here... 

Aren't there always things to throw off? Can't we always use a breaking free of all entanglements...? I know I haven't nailed a perfect stride. It's daily practice and discipline to strip off every weight that slows me down or that may trip me up. 

So, this past week at a church service, I heard this verse in the Pastor's message. And I thought to myself...what holds me back?...What trips me up?

Tonight I read this verse in a devotional book. I came back to the question and this time I found a clear answer. 

Worry and doubt. 


...These sins lead me into fear, complaining, and lack of trust.

BUT if I will set my eyes on my Lord Jesus, as the next verse instructs... I will not lose heart.

When I look to Him and his life, I can begin to express thankfulness and reliance on Him. 

May I strip off worry and doubt and may I replace it with thanksgiving and trust. 

Let's apply...

Father God, your spirit testifies in me that I am YOURS! I belong to you. Thank you for "sonship." ("daughtership? ;) ) Thank you for loving me...caring for me...listening and advicing. Advocate, thank you for standing in the gap for me, interceding and pleading my case. Jesus, thank you! Father, thank you for you are rich in love and mercy. It's new daily! God- I am tired of trying to figure out my life. I am weary of planning and figures. Do your will. "It is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose." I let go. Have your way. I trust you hear me. I trust you. Thank you. I believe your plans are prosperous in every way! I believe and trust you not only for my future but for the lives of my family members and people I love dearly. Thank you for caring. And thank you for taking care.

signing out,


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