Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Asking for Change

My last blog post was over 2 months ago... Here we are in May and I've been feeling a pull back into the "Wonderful World of Daily Postings." You know the place? Why's that? Well, I tend to be a bit black & white when it comes to some things in life. (BLOGGING is one of those things- for certain.) I either do it or don't. When I do it- it is always a sharpening tool for me. I find its a great way to spend free time. It pushes me to seek, and in result, find truth. It also keeps an intentional daily conversation going between me and God. Heaven knows I'm a processor... I must verbally process- or I get a little nutty. ;) And boy, do I need to hear from God!


With these valid reasons- I'm choosing to do it again. The last blog run was through January and February- a commitment of 49+ days. It was a successful run. This time let's go 60 solid! That will put me through July 13. By that time I will be one week post one of my biggest academic challenges thus far. An 8 week craaazy intense course- which I'll spare all the gory details about. 

 I'm choosing to make this blog commitment because I believe it will be a strengthening discipline in the midst of an extremely challenging task that I've just gotta complete.

Let's go...

Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known. -Jeremiah 33:3

Other versions describe these things as: mysterious, mighty, difficult, fenced, incomprehensible, remarkable secrets. 

Father- Here I am. Lifting my eyes up to you. Calling on your name, Jesus! I want to know your heart and I want to hear from you. I want to render myself to your changing truth. So I let go of distraction and I sink my feet in deeper- that your tides and washing will pull me even deeper. Oh, how I'd hate to find myself settling for a life outside your personal relationship, interaction, sanctifying truth and divine guidance. So here's 60 days- set aside- to go with you. Away. Holy Spirit, help me not to turn off the course- help me to keep looking for you everyday. Let's go!!!!!


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