Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Here I Am

When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!”

And Moses said, “Here I am.”

-Exodus 3





Just the other day I found myself on one of those "skyline" rides at an amusement park. You know they glide through the sky on some sort of suspension system...It's great fun really! And it's a chill break from all the walking and heat of an outdoor park. This time, as I rode, I found the usual...  Without fail, the people passing by, in opposite flight,  shouting-out pure random-ness. I mean people must think to themselves while they're up there soaring through the sky, "What are the odds I'll see that stranger again, right?" 

This time around, I got the classic, they yell- "Marco..." ...Wait for it...Wait for it... I yell "Polo!" Only it didn't happen just once. Cart by cart, kids yelled my way, "Marco!" And waited for my response. The first one got nothing, but then I caught on... 4...5...6...

Ya just gotta interact and play along, people! That's my philosophy here. ;) 

It's such a simple concept... Marco-Polo!...I've been playing it for as long as I can remember, in swimming pools, lakes, and oceans... I never did like to be the one to yell "Marco!" That role meant I had to keep my eyes closed, scary. 

As children, we master the concept of responding when someone calls our name. In fact, I have imprinted in my brain the sound of my mother, father, brother and sister's voice, and the way they call out to me. I know exactly what they sound like. I recognize, immediately, the way they say my name. It's so familiar. It's so automatic. 

What about with GOD? 

Some time later, God tested Abraham's faith. "Abraham!"
 God called. "Yes," he replied. "Here I am." -Genesis 22

How's my response time with God? Like when He calls to me... Do I recognize and tune into his voice? Do I call back or pretend I didn't hear his knock on my heart and soul's door. Does he want time to talk? bless? challenge? teach? push? move? change? heal? deliver? promote? assign? take over? give rest? sing over me? just be together? ... I'll never know why He calls me, if I don't respond. The kind of relationship Moses and Abraham's "Here I am" response demonstrates to me is a ready and eager attitude towards the Almighty God who finds man worth calling upon. Wow.

I want to stop and listen to you God. I want to want to hear what is on your mind. Help me to be responsive to your Spirit's and your call. Help my heart's attitude to be, "Here I am."

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. -John 10:27


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