Monday, August 29, 2011

Just got back from the best "staycation" ever!!!

behind me is the view  from my balcony!
What a week of enjoyment, r&r, and fun with my fam! I so enjoyed the time at the beach and quality time spent together. Back home now and although I wished we could stay for another MONTH! I am so grateful it happened. (esp. with all the crazy hurricane weather totally bi-passing us for the most part! whew!)

Happy Monday. Have a better than average week why dontchya!  ;)

Under Construction

workin' on the page! was thinkin' it definitely needs more "me..." 

Please feel free to leave some advice on customizing a blog page!
(I could use it!!!)

Thank you, thank you.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Today's Proverb

Found in Proverbs 15 of the Holy Bible; 

 verse 17:
               A bowl of vegetables with someone you love

      is better than steak with someone you hate.

Do stay tuned for more proverbs &or words of wisdom coming soon!


Monday, August 15, 2011

What does love look like?

Hello Readers!

Today, I want to share with you a powerful song that echoes in my heart each time I hear it again.

 I believe if truly listened to, it can alter a wounded or broken perspective on love.

I do hope you will listen...

and leave a comment/feedback!

“What does love look like?” is the question I’ve been pondering
“What does love look like?”
“What does love look like?” is the question I’ve been asking of You

I once believed that love was romance, just a chance
I even thought that love was for the lucky and the beautiful
I once believed that love was a momentary bliss
But love is more than this
All You ever wanted was my attention
All You ever wanted was love from me
All You ever wanted was my affections, to sit here at Your feet
Then tell me

“What does love look like?” is the question I’ve been pondering
“What does love look like?”

Then I sat down, a little frustrated and confused
If all of life comes down to love
Then love has to be more than sentiment
More than selfishness and selfish gain

And then I saw Him there, hanging on a tree, looking at me
I saw Him there, hanging on a tree, looking at me
He was looking at me, looking at Him, staring through me
I could not escape those beautiful eyes
And I began to weep and weep

He had arms wide open, a heart exposed
Arms wide open; He was bleeding, bleeding

Love’s definition, love’s definition was looking at me
Looking at Him, hanging on a tree
I began to weep and weep and weep and weep

This is how I know what love is, this is how I know what love is

And as I sat there weeping, crying
Those beautiful eyes, full of desire and love
He said to me:

“You shall love Me, You shall love Me
You shall love Me, You shall love Me”

With arms wide open, a heart exposed
With arms wide open, bleeding, sometimes bleeding

If anybody’s looking for love in all the wrong places
If you’ve been searching for love, come to Me, come to Me
Take up your cross, deny yourself
Forget your father’s house and run, run with Me
You were made for abandonment, wholeheartedness
You were made for someone greater, someone bigger, so follow Me
And You’ll come alive when you learn to die



Sunday, August 7, 2011


According to the current highlights section on, more than 4 million babies are born in the US each year! Wow... that's a lot of babies! Although I personally know at least 5 women who are currently pregnant, I do not know of anyone who gave birth 


There is surely a life to be celebrated! 
Seventy-seven years ago, today,  on August 7, 1935, my great-grandmother, Lizzy, gave birth to Edith Adam Nicoll, better known to me as- "Gran!"  

So today's blog is dedicated to my Gran or "Granny," whom I love dearly! Granny is the kind of grandmother who's never missed a birthday, holiday, or any small excuse to mail a card, slip in a $20 or give her grandkids a call! She is also the kind who's first response to your arrival is a huge smile and wide-open arms! She's the #1 fan and the best supporter...
Not one to yell or raise her voice, but to speak loud and clear through her actions of love.

She's the kind of wife who has lived "till death do us part," loving her husband wholeheartedly and standing by his side for over 54 years! 

She is the kind of Mom who never stops telling her girls how proud they make her and supporting them in all their endeavors...from being a karate kid to starting a business (lol, that's my Mama!)

She is the kind of friend who obviously receives more cards on her birthday than she can fit on her living room coffee table!...I saw that today!

Gran, I hope you know that I cherish you and appreciate you. Thank you for always, openly, sharing your advice, wisdom, and experience... for always making sure I know that I'm loved, for teaching me how to knit and how to save my money, and for taking the time to tell great stories of your days in India. 

You are a blessing to my life and the lives of countless others. 
So-Happy Birthday to you!
I love you.

Your "sweetpea" and your "little star,"

Gracie ;) 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thursday Latelies are back! back! back!

I wrote a list and snapped my fingers...but this "Thursday lately" is just about the same length as any other. lol Which is biggy. Just sayin'! 

Now here is my disclaimer: who ever said we had to dress up for thursday latelies?...right? lol Although I so enjoy fashion and following the fabulous style blogs, -this blog, does not fall into the fabulous category of displaying my "best dressed" moments... Whew! What a relief for me! I don't think I could keep up since my blogs are usually posted at the end of a day!
 Mad respect to my stylist friends for keepin trendy on the daily...

So, again, to all who do style it up- I highly respect your dedication! 
As for YOU and any other reader/viewer: please know you can join me sweaty, in pajamas or of course, at the end of a longgg day for a look into 
with no shame! ;)

Enjoy my friends!!!
Have a better than average day/week/weekend


Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Good day readers! I greet you with genuine joy tonight, as a remarkable day nears its end. Why genuine joy? When I say "genuine joy," I'm talking about the kind that makes a yelp come bursting from the deepest part of the gut because you have no vocabulary that is worthy for this kind of expression! (I usually at least attempt to play this one safe, waiting to release my "manifestation" of bursting joy until I've made it to a personal place, such as ... well the car works well!-just a hint ;) ) Well, I'm sure hoping someone who reads this also knows what I'm talking about when I describe my "resounding joy!" haha! Sometimes my joy comes with a "Wooooh!," or it comes with laughter that I feel erupting from the deepest-inside- to-out -and that usually precedes some hot tears, haha, or sometimes so much incredible excitement fills my being that oddly enough, I just have to run! 

Ohh, I just love the joy of the Lord...However His joy is brought, it is always, not just some silly/ordinary/temporary moment. I believe joy that comes from the Lord is powerful, it carrying immense strength! And...God's joy is always on time.  

 1 Let the godly sing for joy to the Lord;
 it is fitting for the pure to praise him.

 2 Praise the Lord with melodies on the lyre;

      make music for him on the ten-stringed harp.

 3 Sing a new song of praise to him;

      play skillfully on the harp, and sing with joy.
 4 For the word of the Lord holds true,

      and we can trust everything he does. -Psalm 33

I wanna take a moment to PRAISE THE LORD for what He's done tonight! 

He deserves honor!

My day began this morning with a phone call. I spoke to one of my dearest, most sincere of friends. We talked for nearly an hour. Our conversation started with chat about "what's new" and such and moved on to mentioning prayerful matters. I want to NOTE: that I specifically mentioned and requested prayer for what I refer to as "divine appointments." When I say those two words together, divine and appointments, I am not talking about appointments that I set up on my own. These are no appointments that I think up or I take time to pencil in- in advance...

I am also not talking about hoping for what is often times referred to as "coincidences," 
the occurrence of events that happen at the same time by accident but seem to have some connection. 

Why not settle for calling it "coincidence?"
Because the God, whom I serve does not just "seem to make connetion."
My God is highly connected and absolutely involved in my life! 
In fact...
He sets me up!
He directs my path! 
He makes my steps firm! 
His Word makes it clear: 
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and He delights in his way. -Psalm 37:23NKJV
I like the New Living Translation: 
The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. 

...So why make request for divine appointments? 
  • An appointment is an arrangement to meet someone at a particular time and place.
  • as for "divine" by definition:                                                                                                              it is  of, relating to, or proceeding directly from God <divine love>

Romans 1:20: For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

Tonight I had an arrangement to meet some people at a particular time and place...
and I believe it was, surely, OF GOD. 
He had me to be in the position I was, at work, at the specific time, approximately 6:55ish... at the same time he had a great couple, "J + S," walking in to share, together, a latte, and spend their evening hanging out at not just any Starbucks... but the one I am working at... the one that happens to have a couch juuust right for 3 people to sit and chat at... which the three of us found ourselves doing from approximately 7:11pm till 9:25 ish pm. Not one of us planned for it.
Now tell me, how in the world does that happen? 
Listen, how do I, Grace, a barista, minding my own business, just making another venti soy-skinny caramel machiatto during the last five minutes of a shift, end up leaving work immediately on time with every intent to drive home and eat something wonderful for dinner -because I'm shaky my blood sugar is so low,  end up turning around before I even reach the exit of my work place parking lot, re-parking my car, going back into work to ask these practically strangers of customers a simple- question...?
How does that 1 question turn into sitting down with these people and diving into pure, fellowship and encouragement with one another for hours? The kind of fellowship I'm referencing is that which is honest, true, brings to light the peace of Jesus Chirst and the unity of His Spirit, and the enjoyment of His dear presence. The kind of fellowship and connection that brings acknowledgement to The Divinity of God's Nature and His Soverienty because there is NO WAY this kind of connection just happened to coincidentally fall into place.
I was so blessed by meeting these friends. The initial connection began when I recognized one of them, whom I had previously and very briefly encountered several years ago at a mtg. Who knew, then, we'd meet again?... Who knew, now, we'd 3 meet on the same day I asked God to bring friends? On the day which Proverbs 4:26 was placed upon my heart...God knew. He knew all along. And that's my favorite part.
When I came home tonight the Lord led me here and I think its strategic to share:
To 2 Corinthians 4:18. It says, "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 
previously in verse 16, it is written: Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 
Friends, as written in the book of Nehemiah, I want to encourage this evening with this very word:

Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. May you know the Lord's joy in immense measure this week and in coming weeks of your life! Be guided by Him and KNOW there is a lot more going on than what meets your physical eye's view. 
Blessings to you!

Monday, August 1, 2011

I'm Back!

Inspired and supported by a late night indulgence ...the natural rush produced by iced black/peach tea. (yum!) ..on this night, I have returned!  I want to mention that I am back with great delight to share with you a quick glimpse of the past month of "just living"... from the cell phone camera of yours truly! :)

Note: If you are as visually stimulated by random pictures as I am, this is YOUR lucky blog-read day!!! And if not, check back tomorrow or later this week when I have more brain power to possibly further inspire or enlighten you with the use of more words!

So, one night this week, as I realized my break from the blogspot was nearing an end, I also happened to be looking through my phone (this is the phone I mentioned upgrading to a few blogs back...It is my first "more than basic" phone... and I am still enjoying all it has to offer!) 
So with that, unlike my oldie, I can store wayyy more than 30 pictures! Thank God! Now I don't have to worry about meeting a famous person and having no room in my phone to snap a quick shot..I mean, ya never know! ;)

That's just my thinking! But anyways...

As I scrolled through some pictures I'd taken,  I was reminded of days, moments, smiles, blessings and enjoyments I've received over the past month. I will eventually get to the deep stuff later- but it's been a INCREDIBLE 30+ days and I'd love to share some pieces of them with you! 

Enjoy "My Life" from the mobileseyeview. :)

Trips to the gorgeous local beach! 
Stumbling across some very OLD pictures!!! (That's me in the green dress, along with my sister and my childhood best friend, Nicole. This was in East Providence, RI, first day of 2nd grade. And Yes, I remember taking the photo! ha!) 
Kindergaten grad
 Riding in Gran's minnie van
my brother Joey, 1993?

Day trip to Granny's! I like to refer to these as 3G times...3 Generations: Gran, Gail, Gracie
SunnyBunny, FroYo, one of my fav summer snacks 

Fresh Fruit!
Independence Day, of course!
I was on a stir fry kick for like a week and a half...
Wished I'd seen the sign the first time, when I used the restroom in complete darkness...
My sister's English Bull Dog, Pauly...we're growing to love each other
Ain't nothin like a good Pedi!
Love this saying! 
Iced Coffee<3 on a 10 min break

You're never too old to play in the sand
Lunch private get-a-ways (with hummus!)
Interesting read I sorta stumbled upon... 
I made homeade salsa and it was a great success!!
It turned into a full fledge FIESTA! lol best meal of the month, no doubt
Glasses, why not?
A new and quite inspiring friend of the Sullivan family, Miss Johnna! She's a blessing!!!
Can you see the rainbow?
Never met a Donkey before...a little trip to the country side :)
In Rhode Island we call these "jimmies."   
If its organic and gummy..sounds good to me
picture perfect Sarasota

Family time!
Twins? -brother and mom
More twins? -Sister and Dad
And another set? -Mom and Me

I love to just cruise'! ..(and go celtics!)

Amazing, the things you find when packing up an apartment

Dad tries Mom's salsa

Dad likes Mom's salsa!
I couldn't help it...
My little book worm 
Lots of lovin'!

Just me and Pauly...wakin up to sunshine

we always look for the "wabbits" when we walk Paul...spotted her! 
All day, almost everyday! :) lovin Starbucks!

That was just a glimpse, maybe there will be more in depth stories to come...

As I look over these photos, I am reminded to be thankful for each and every moment.
My Home, Family, Friends! Job! Health! Sunshine!...and there are so many little things that bring us joy!

What make your day just a little bit brighter? Feel free to share a picture or story of your own!
I hope you've enjoyed!

Much love, Grace