Are you thinking about it?
-->Stopping for directions, I mean.
They say if you're a man, you're probably just not gonna want to do that. They say if you're a woman, you are.
Oh but that's just what
they say...
Who are those
theys anyways?
And who stops for directions anymore?
GPS on your phone?
Oh America.
Oh technology!
For you, I am thankful.
So back to directions...
You're lost and you get your directions, whether it be from a gas station clerk (if your stuck in the past) or from you talking telephone (if your in touch with tech) ;)...either way, you get 'em. ...Now you know the way. You know which turns to take in order to arrive at your destination. You now know you can get where you need to be. So all you gotta do is do it-->
drive there. Go!
Well, ok, track with me...
What if you got the directions to your destination and decided
to just sit in the car. Like, to just sit, and not to drive to where you need to be. Weird, right? What if you were so glad to receive the directions but instead of turning the key and pulling that little handle into "D" and pressing on the gas peddle, and getting there, you just sat there and missed out, for no good reason.
There was nothing stopping you from what awaited, but, your
lack of action.
What if you received directions and shared the directions with someone else who was looking for the same party, same event, or meeting...
You gave them the way, but didn't even take it for yourself...
What if you did something like that and then got upset that youv missed the party/event/meeting...
What if you blamed someone else for your lack of following directions?
That's what direction is given for, right?
It's given to be followed.
Blessed is the one
who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers,
Psalm 1 shares some direction here. You can think 3 truths, right? It's almost like 3
steps... If you want to be blessed- don't walk here, stand here, or sit here. Easy, right? Nice little Psalm to mull over a few times.
I can do so much with this verse! I can read it and memorize it and write it out and tell it to someone. I can preach it, blog it, tweet it. I can tattoo this verse on my arm for all to see. I can write a song about this verse and sing it in some beautiful/melodious ways.
Just like stopping for directions for driving, if I stop to seek direction/word/truth from the Lord, and I sit on it... if I don't put it into action, if I don't receive, past the correction/conviction, if I preach & share it but don't live it...I am missing the
greatest part!
Ya see the next part of the Psalm goes like this:
but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on his law day and night.
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
whatever they do prospers.
This part speaks to me, "Grace, you don't have to just hear what NOT to do. I have ACTION for you to take! There is delight and indulgence in
this instead of that. And there is great reward/blessing that follows." It's not all about
not going this's about
going that way...a better way,
the way that leads to life. (Not always easier or prettier or more popular, but, surely->the far greater way.)
For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.-Mat.7:14
It's not just about rules, it's about relationship. And in order to develop this beautiful, vast relationship with God, we've got to slow down, seek, listen, and obey Him. I've gotta dig deeper than regulations and don'ts and find
the "dos."
That's part of the beauty of relationship. It's enjoyable, challenging, adventurous and new.
I'm convinced that when we begin to
stop, listen, and follow directions, we make it to some out-of-this-world-blessed places.
I wanna go.